J.T. Kerr Memorial Baptist Church
Rev. Preston L. & Mrs. Leytricia Harris
Rev. Preston L. &
Mrs. Leytricia Harris.
Greetings in the Name of the Lord
My sincere prayer is that all of you have made a renewed resolution that God will be the head of your life and your household.
The Lord has blessed us all beyond measure during this past year in spite of situations and circumstances that seemed unfavorable or uncomfortable to us at that particular time.
God always knows what is best for us even though we sometimes think that we know better. God's will for our lives is that we should prosper as our souls prosper. In order for our souls to prosper, we must continue to strive for a closer relationship with the God of our salvation, our Creator, and our Redeemer.
If you have not already done so, make it your top priority to establish or re-establish a right relationship with the Lord. You can do this by living according to His Holy Word, the Bible. Make a commitment to attend more church services: including Prayer Meeting, Bible Study, and Sunday School, and make a commitment to pay your tithes and offerings to the Lord.
Your commitment to studying "to shew thyself approved unto God.." will help you to realize that tithing is not an arbitrary act but its the will of God. The extent of our commitment to the Lord will determine the magnitude of our blessings.
What God has for me, is for me and what God has for you is for you.
May God Bless you all,
J.T. Kerr MB Church Ministers
Rev. Preston L. Harris+
Rev. Zebedee Jackson
Rev. Michael Bell
J.T. Kerr MB Church Officers
Preston L. Harris
Chairman Trustee Ministry
Bro. Thomas Graham
Isaiah Johnson
Church Clerk
Sis. Louis W. Newton
Church Treasurer
Sis. Phillis Sheppard
J.T. Kerr MBC Deacons Ministry
Isaiah Johnson, Chairman
Donald Henderson
Earl Turner
Fred White, Emeritus
Simon Noble
Caple Felder
J.T. Kerr MBC Deaconess Ministry
Deaconess Ministry
Annette Johnson, Chr.
Deaconess Ministry
Thelma Henderson-Lopez
Deaconess Ministry
Eunice Turnere Turner
Deaconess Ministry
Zelda Jackson
Deaconess Ministry
Katherine Suggs
J.T. Kerr Trustees Ministry
Bro. Thomas Graham,
1st Vice Chr
Sis. Alice Betts,
2nd Vice-Chr
Bro. Wayne Munn
Financial Sec
Bro. Todd Goldstein,
Sis. Phillis Sheppard
J.T. Kerr MBC Representation in TROGMBA Organizations
Rev. Preston L. Harris– Moderator
Deac, Zelda Jackson President TROG WH&FM
Deac. Isaiah Johnson Chairman TROG Trustees
Rev. Michael Bell Chaplain TROG Usher
Deac. Annette Johnson
Vice-Pres TROG Ushers
Deac. Simon Noble
Treasurer-TROG Usher
Deac. Eunice Turner
Head Usher-TROG Ushers
Reverend Preston L. Harris, Moderator, MAEd, ThM
The Trent River Oakey Grove Association is an organization of Missionary Baptist Churched founded in 1871 under the leadership of the Reverends Stephen Scott (the first Moderator), Senas Hill, Cornelius Scott, John Everett, Andrew Jones and S. Jones.
The organization was based on the principles of Christian fellowship, God’s Great Commission and Christian education. It is currently comprised of twenty-three(23) churches located in Jones, Craven and Onslow Counties.
The TROGMBA is one of sixty-two(62) associations that make up the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Incorporated headquartered in Raleigh, NC. The churches of our association provides financial support for the objectives of the GBSC: Shaw University, Central Children’s Home, J.J. Johnson Baptist Assembly, Lott Carey Foreign Mission and State Missions The GBSC provides support to the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee.
Currently the TROGMBA is under the leadership of the Reverend Preston l. Harris, Moderator and Reverend Dr. Larry D. Walston, Sr., Vice-Moderator . Our Association is supported by its member churches, The Women’s Home and Foreign Mission Auxiliary, the Church School Convention, the Ushers Convention, Union #1 & Union #2, the Minister’s Wives and Widows Auxiliary , along with the Deacon’s Union and the Deaconess Group.
Our association provides financial support to our our member studentsattending postsecondary institutions and we provide financial support to our sick members. All of our TROGMBA Annual Meetings and special events are held at our Headquarters Building in the Historic Georgetown Community of Jacksonville.
The TROGMBA operates under the theme, Praising God, Promoting Fellowship and Providing Education. We continue to uphold the Biblical standards that established by our spiritual forefathers who persevered in the aftermath of Slavery to establish this great Association. Our goal is to work faithfully and diligently to build upon the foundation that they built while shedding their blood, sweat and tears upon this hallowed ground.
Reverend Preston L. Harris, Moderator, MAEd, ThM